What Women really Want…

So I asked the tides,
with arms stretched as wide
What a woman wants?

It responds with  grin as wild
“How would I know,
pray how can I tell”?
with winks and wry smiles of
Who-knows-what it is a woman wants?
So tiny bits of makeup and  occasional acts of dress ups
A man, marriage, kids, the oddities?
reluctantly the hills would add…
As all of nature would convey to ask-
What is it, a woman really wants?Broken-SapnaChand

Tenderness, love, respect the mountain puffs
it’s voice as gruff as it grunts!
Against time, all unrelentingly will ask
but fail to relentlessly ask
the woman, what is it that she wants?

So with time when asked  somehow
in that time where she least expects
she shrugs, confused completely unaware of
that which she really wants…

This tragedy, the greatest if you ask
of valuable knowledge forever lost!
Hidden beneath the blankets of fear
she layers up to play the greatest villain of all
by refusing to answer the question

What is it a woman really wants?linaoak