Why the Runways love African Prints. ….

Well I love African Prints and how far it has come. So in tribute to the African Fashion week taking place this week – here are some styles from the runway to the streets on a global scale, after all to be honest we all are models in our own rights  …  And to drink to that  here are some reasons why we love this  prints

images (2)They can be worn with khakis! And who doesn’t love khakis?

e0c52f938b867cc8b23859cb563b9795They can be paired  with solid colors to tame their wild edges right?

Elle-Varner-J-Cole-Video-Patricia-Field-African-Print-Dress-530x753 And they are plain right fun. You can easily stand out in the crowd, vibrantly without losing your edge!


Or you can easily go ethnic with out losing touch with your identity! The distinct nature and clash of patterns can reinforce your identity in the hippest way possible!






Finally they can remind us of the most important thing of all to go green! With cool vibrant,  earthy tones or plain right green – that’s all the reminder we need to really go green in envy or on a more serious note  save the planet!